Abstract Submission

Full papers are welcome on the following subjects:

  • Low Temperature Poly-SI (LTPS) Thin Film Transistors (TFTs)
  • High Performance Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)
  • Oxide Thin Film Transistors (Oxide TFTs)
  • Nano Technology in Display
  • Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Displays (FLC)
  • Photoalignment
  • Microdisplay - Miniature Silicon Displays for Magnified View and Projection Display Applications
  • LCD Measurement
  • Micro-LED Displays
  • Current Research Topics
25 November 2021 (Thu)  Deadline for submission of abstract
  1. Only original and unpublished works are invited.
  2. Papers should be written in dual column format in A4 size paper and should not exceed 3 pages including figures.
  3. Only English abstracts are accepted.
  4. Authors are strongly advised to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstracts. Any mistakes in literature or in scientific facts will be published as what have been submitted.
  5. Before submitting, please prepare your paper strictly according to this template guidelines and specifications. If paper received failed to meet the specifications, the committee reserves the right to reject the submission.
  6. All papers should be submitted in both WORD and PDF format to skl@ust.hk
  7. Template